2024 Figure Skating Competition
2024 Competition Dates:
- Sat., July 13th - Sun., July 14th
- USFS Sanction: 34423
There has been a location change for this event to the following address:
International Skating Center of CT
1375 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, CT 06070
- 2024 Host Club: Finer Edge Figure Skating Club
- 2024 Host Rink: International Skating Center of CT
- 2024 Videographer/Photographer Cinematic Images
Live Results- Click the icon below!!!
- Registration Deadline:
- Friday June 7th, 11:59pm Eastern
- Practice Ice Schedule: Practice ice will be available approximately 2 weeks before the competition, and announced via email and this website.
- Competition Format:
- The competition will be held at the International Skating Center of CT on a Standard NHL 2 sheets of Ice.
- Awards will be presented for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in each group.
- All Medal Winners will qualify for the State Games of America.
- Click on the Announcement or Format/Schedule bar below for rules and details!
Sport Details
The ShopRite® Nutmeg State Games will be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations posted on the US Figure Skating Website with an effective date on or before the first day of competition.
This competition is open to all eligible, restricted, reinstated or a readmitted persons as defined by the Eligibility Rules, and is a currently registered member of a U.S. Figure Skating member club, a collegiate club, Learn to Skate USA or an individual member of U.S. Figure Skating in accordance with the current rulebook. Refer to the current rulebook for non-U.S. Citizens.
Eligibility for State Games of America: Competitors whose primary residence is not in Connecticut may compete in the ShopRite Nutmeg State Games Figure Skating competition, provided that they are a member in good standing of a Connecticut based skating club or live in state that does not offer a state games program. Also, any out-of-state figure skater competing in Connecticut’s ShopRite Nutmeg State Games understands and waives their right to compete in the State Games Figure Skating competition in their primary state of residence or any other State Games Figure Skating competition during the competitive season. See attached Out of State Competitor’s Wavier.
Age restrictions/requirements: Singles free skate events (IJS well-balanced program) have the following requirements:
- Juvenile: Girls – 12 years or younger; Boys – 13 years or younger
- Open Juvenile: Girls – 13 years or older; Boys – 14 years or older
- Intermediate: must be under the age of 18
- Adults must be 21 years or older
Skaters entering pre-juvenile and lower events will be divided as closely as possible by age should the number of entries warrant more than one group. The LOC reserves the right to combine levels where there are not enough entries.
Test level: Competition level is the highest test passed as of the entry deadline posted on the announcement, in the discipline the skater is entering. Skaters may skate one level above that for which they qualify, but they may not skate down in any event. Skaters may enter either well balanced or Excel free skate events, but not both.
- Entries for Nutmeg State Games events will be accepted via the EMS Competition Portal with credit card only. Each transaction includes a 3% credit card fee.
- Registration Deadline: June 7th
- Late Registration Deadline: June 8th-10th ($30 Penalty)
- Competition registration may close early if the maximum number of entries is reached prior to the deadline. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Chief Referee and Competition Chairs.
- Go to https://usfigureskating.org
- Click “Login In” in the upper-right menu bar.
- Enter your U.S. Figure Skating or your Learn-to-Skate USA member number and password
- If you need assistance with your member number and password, contact Member Services at [email protected].
- Click EMS then “Competition Registration”
- Choose “NUTMEG STATE GAMES” from the list of nonqualifying competitions.
- If you need assistance completing your registration, contact [email protected]
ENTRY FEES: Payment of all fees will be required before skater is allowed to participate in practce ice or events and are as follows:
- Singles, Specialty and Showcase events : $120 – first event, $ 30 – each additional event
- Basic Skills Events: $ 45 – first event, $ 25 – each additional event
REFUND POLICY: Entry fees will not be refunded unless no competition exists or the event is canceled. There will be no refunds for medical withdrawals. The online processing fees are not refundable. Payment of fees will be required before skater is allowed to participate in practice ice or events.
FACILITIES: The competition will be held at Newington Arena, 300 Alumni Rd. Both surfaces are 200’ x 85’ with slightly rounded corners.
MUSIC SUBMISSION VIA EMS UPLOAD: DEADLINE: July 1st, 2024 at 11:59 pm Eastern.
- Competitors participating in events with music are required to upload their music to EMS no later than July 1st. After this date, skaters will be locked out of this feature and subject to a $30 Late Fee.
- The late fee will automatically be added to each skater's cart who doesn't meet this requirement by the deadline. Late fees will not be removed under any circumstances and must be paid prior to receiving the skater credential onsite.
If you need assistance, email [email protected]
MUSIC CRITERIA: All music must meet the following criteria. If you have questions about what format you have, please contact your coach and get a new version of your music that meets the criteria listed below:
• File Format: MP3
• Bit Rate: 192 kbps or higher and Sample Rate: 44,100 kHz
- This will be verified by the music chair and they may request you upload a corrected file.
- Leaders and trailers (the silence or "dead space" before and after the actual start and end of the program music) may not exceed two (2) seconds. We prefer that there be NO leaders or trailers at all. Excessive leaders and trailers may disrupt the playing of the music during competition.
- Competitors must also bring a copy of their competition music on CD or digital copy (phone or memory stick) as a backup in case of technical difficulties and must be available rink side during the competition. Only CDs (standard CD-R format only) will be accepted for backups and must be clearly marked with the competitor’s name, event, and running time.
LIABILITY: U.S. Figure Skating, Finer Edge FSC, ShopRite Nutmeg State Games and Newington Arena accept no responsibility for injury or damage sustained by any participant in this competition. This is in accordance with Rule 1600 of the official U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook.
JUDGING SYSTEM: All events will be judged under the 6.0 Majority Judging System. There will ot be final rounds for any events.
ONSITE CHECK-IN: All athletes must check in at the ShopRite Nutmeg State Games athlete check-in location.
TEST CREDIT: Skaters that meet the requirements for test credit may request their test credit packet by submitting a request form, along with a $20.00 administrative fee. Request forms can be submitted to registration prior to the end of the last event of the competition. Test credit packets will be emailed, as soon as possible, following the competition.
PRACTICE ICE: Practice ice is not included in your entry fee and can only be purchased through the EMS Competition Portal. A timeline for practice ice sales periods will be available for viewing on the Main Page of your EMS skater portal. There is no need to pre-purchase practice ice credits; information regarding practice ice will be emailed out to all competitors and posted on the event website.
SCHEDULE: The schedule of events is determined by the total number of entries and by the number of entries in each event. A schedule of events will be available at EMS approximately two weeks prior to the event. Please note that the schedule is prepared by the competition referee and is based on the number of skaters, the events entered and the availability of competition officials. Every effort will be made to separate the short and long programs between two days. Be aware this separation is not guaranteed. The LOC has no prior knowledge of the schedule of groupings.
Cinematic Images is the official Event Photographer & Videographer this year's Nutmeg State Games Figure Skating Competition!
Click here for the Cinematic Images Website Order Form
- Photo Only $65, Video Only $65.
- Photo & Video combo special through July 7th: $100.00 per event.
*** Purchases of individual photos photo or videos after the deadline will stay at $65 for photos per event and $65.00 for video per event. Photo and Video combo will be $130 per event after July 7th.
.About Cinematic Images:
Located in Berlin, Connecticut, Cinematic Images has been providing Event Photography and Videography throughout the Northeast for over 30 years. In addition to Sports, Cinematic Images also specializes in Super Creative High School Senior Portraits, Theater, Family portraits, Dance, Mitzvahs and Weddings.
Website: https://cinematic-images.com
The Nutmeg State Games administration works closely with all Connecticut media outlets regarding any interesting stories about athletes and teams that will be participating in the "Games". If you have an interesting story to tell, we are all ears!
Human interests stories typically address situations "off-the-court". Do you volunteer in the community? Are you great at something other than the sport you are playing? Are you following in the steps of a a sibling or parent? Of course, if you are doing something great on the court please provide us with all the details.
If you, your team or someone you know fits any of these questions, please pass along this information or feel free to contact our office, and we would be happy to coordinate coverage on their behalf. - Please send all info to [email protected].