2024 Gymnastics Meet
The 2024 Gymnastics Meet

- Date: TBD
- Hosted by Middletown High School
- Meet Director: TBD
- Registration Deadline: TBD
- Levels Offered:
XCEL:Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond Divisions
Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5: Division Compulsory
Compulsory Level 2, 3, 4, & 5 - For experienced USAG/YMCA competitor
Level 6, Level 7, Level 8: Division Optional
Optional Level 6, 7 & 8 - For experienced USAG/YMCA competitors.
Level 9 and 10: Division Open Optional
Open Optional - For experienced USAG/YMCA Level 9, 10 or collegiate competitors.
- At the meets conclusion there will be awards for the top 3 finishers in each age group for each Level. In addition, the Team Champions will be determined by the total scores of the top 6 finishers on each event (Vault, Bars, Beam, & Floor) for each region (North, East, South, & West). All team members from the 3 winning regions will receive a medal (Gold, Silver, or Bronze).
Leotard Pick-Up Options
- Leotards can be picked up the day of the Gymnastics Meet at Middletown High School at the registration / check-in table before your session.
Sport Details
- Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond Divisions
- Level 2: Division Compulsory
- Level 3: Division Compulsory
- Level 4: Division Compulsory
- Level 5: Division Compulsory
- (Compulsory Level 2, 3, 4, & 5 - For experienced USAG/YMCA competitors.).
- Level 6: Division Optional
- Level 7: Division Optional
- Level 8: Division Optional
- (Optional Level 6, 7 & 8 - For experienced USAG/YMCA competitors.)
- Level 9 and 10: Division Open Optional
- (Open Optional - For experienced USAG/YMCA Level 9, 10 or collegiate competitors.)
- Age Breakdowns within levels will be determined after entries are received.
- Coordinator reserves the right to break out levels based on participation.
- Gymnasts may not drop down from their most recent competitive season level, but upward mobility to compete is permitted. All gymnasts must be accompanied by a personal coach who will assume responsibility for their pre-competition training and their safety at the competition.
- Any competitor not accompanied by a coach will be unable to participate.
- Due to the individual nature of the sport and its potential dangers, the Nutmeg State Games does not provide pre-meet training or coaching at the competition.
- Another gymnast cannot take your place if you are unable to compete.
- Gymnasts competing in the class 3, 4, 5, and 6 compulsory groups must perform current compulsory routines. Optional Gymnasts may perform compulsory routines in part or in whole, however, they will be judged as Junior Olympic optional routines.
Athlete Code of Conduct
- No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances are permitted in the possession of athletes.
- Behavior on and off the competition field by any person’s associated with the "Games" must follow the highest standards.
- Use of foul or abusive language constitutes a violation of the Code of Conduct.
- All athletes must respect the decisions of the officials and umpires during and after competitions. Any harassment will constitute a violation of the Code of Conduct.
- Unruly behavior by spectators towards players, coaches, volunteers, and/or officials will not be tolerated. Such behavior may result in the dismissal of the offending spectator from the competition site.
- Any participant’s behavior deemed in violation of the Code of Conduct, as decided by the Nutmeg State Games administrative staff, subjects the competitor to expulsion from the "Games".
Participants entering an individual sport competition or meet are requested to submit an Individual Sport Athlete Registration Form and the Appropriate Individual Sport FEE as soon as possible to enhance their chances of competing in the Nutmeg State Games. In addition to the Individual Sport Registration Form and Individual Sport Fee participants are requested to include PROOF OF AGE for certain sport offerings. Please see the list of Sports below that require submission of proof of age. Proof of age includes a copy (please do not send originals) of one of the following: valid driver’s license, copy of a birth certificate or a copy of a passport.
You have the option to either Register ONLINE or by HARDCOPY - You do not have to do both!
To be considered for competition of the Nutmeg State Games an Individual Sport Participant must submit the following:
1. Individual Sport Athlete Entry Form
2. One check covering appropriate Individual Sport Fee
3. Proof of age (a COPY of one of the following: Driver’s license, Birth Certificate or Passport).
1. Proof of Age is required for the following Individual Sports: Archery, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming, Track & Field and Wrestling
The Nutmeg State Games Administration will notify a participant of his or her status by a confirmation email once the Registration goes through. Participants will be selected on a first come, first served basis. Participants not selected because of receipt after the registration deadline or other specified date (please see appropriate sport for registration deadline dates) will receive a full refund as soon as verification is possible.
Multi-Gymnast Discount Program for Clubs
- 5 or more Gymnasts = 6% off Registration Fee ($4.20) - off per gymnast
- 10 or more Gymnasts = 8% off Registration Fee ($5.60) - off per gymnast
- 15 or more Gymnasts = 10% off Registration Fee ($7.00) - off per gymnast
- 20 or more Gymnasts = 12% off Registration Fee ($8.40) - off per gymnast
In an effort to increase the competitive integrity of the Nutmeg State Games Gymnastics Meet and reward Gymnastics Clubs / Programs for their support of the Gymnastics Meet we have developed the Multi-Gymnast Discount Program. We hope the new program will achieve the aforementioned goals and also make the "Games" more affordable for all athletes.
How to Receive the Discount:
- Please submit all the Registration Forms together
- Please click here to download the Individual Sport Registration Form
- Please send with one check covering all the gymnasts
- Registration Deadline - Fri., June 27th
Please Note: if you have gymnasts that have already registered and are part of your program please let us know and we will count them in your total and refund them accordingly.
If Teams / Clubs will be ordering leotards for the Nutmeg State Games Gymnastics Meet you must fill out the Leotard Order Form and submit by June 3rd
- Athletes compete by Region and leotard colors will be specific for each region (North, South, East & West).
- Please completely fill out the leotard order form found by following the Leotard Order Form Link on this page to print the order form. BE SURE TO INCLUDE LEOTARD SIZE!!!!
- Cost: $47.50
- Please enclose a check or money order payable to Hal Rettstadt with leotard order and mail to:
- Kinetic Kids, LLC
1 Jacks Hill Road #2DEF
Oxford, CT 06478
- Kinetic Kids, LLC
- Form and check must be postmarked by June 3rd. No leotard orders will be accepted after this date.
- Incomplete forms or forms without payment will be returned.
- Leotards will be distributed the day of the Gymnastics meet only.
Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network (HHCRN) is the official medical partner for the Nutmeg State Games & CT Masters Games. HHCRN professional medical staff will be onsite at our various sport venues to provide exceptionally medical care for our participants.
Hydration is crucial to good overall health and athletic performance. Dehydration affects their performance and also puts them at risk for fatigue, nausea, heat cramps or, worse, heat stroke.
Adequate daily intake of water from beverages and food each is 125 ounces for men and 91 ounces for women, according to the Institute of Medicine. That’s considerably more than the standard recommendation of eight 8-ounce glasses a day. To reach the higher standard, drink water gradually throughout the day. These recommendations do not consider athletic activity and increased temperature. So if you are participating in athletic activity or in a warm climate, or both, more water intake may be needed.
One of the easiest ways your athlete can gauge hydration is checking urine color. Pale or colorless urine usually indicates ample hydration. Light to bright yellow urine means more fluid intake is necessary. Dehydration is something that can be prevented easily as long as it is made a priority.
For more information about how to stay healthy and in the game, please visit Hartford HealthCare Sports Health at www.mysportshealth.org
Concussions are not easy to predict or prevent. It’s important to understand the symptoms. Concussions are difficult injuries because symptoms are not always apparent at the time of the injury. Concussions are caused by a direct blow to the head, or a blow to the body that causes a rapid deceleration of the head (whiplash affect).
If you witness or suspect this type of injury, the athlete should be held out of activity and evaluated by a medical professional. As a reminder, an athlete does not have to lose consciousness to sustain a concussion. Once evaluated by a medical professional and given care instructions, the athlete should be monitored closely by a responsible adult for at least 24 hours after the injury. Symptoms include loss of consciousness, slurred speech, repeated vomiting, unequal pupils, weakness or numbness in arms or legs, decreased responsiveness and convulsions or seizures.
For more information about how to stay healthy and in the game, please visit Hartford HealthCare Sports Health at www.mysportshealth.org
The Nutmeg State Games administration works closely with all Connecticut media outlets regarding any interesting stories about athletes and teams that will be participating in the "Games". If you have an interesting story to tell, we are all ears!
Human interests stories typically address situations "off-the-court". Do you volunteer in the community? Are you great at something other than the sport you are playing? Are you following in the steps of a a sibling or parent? Of course, if you are doing something great on the court please provide us with all the details.
If you, your team or someone you know fits any of these questions, please pass along this information or feel free to contact our office, and we would be happy to coordinate coverage on their behalf. - Please send all info to [email protected].