2024 Baseball Tournaments
Join us for the 35th ShopRite Nutmeg State Games hosted by the City of Middletown! This is a great opportunity to play against some tough competition from all over the state in Central Connecticut. The tournament includes a minimum guarantee of three (3)
games in a round robin format. Space is Limited! Please see the instructions below on how to Register Your Team Today!
2024 Tournament Dates - 10 & Under & 12 & Under:
- July 22nd - July 28th
- Weekday Game Start Times: 5:00 pm & 8:00 pm
- Weekend Game Start Times: 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm
Registration Instructions - How to Reserve Your Team's Spot
- Register Your Team Online
- Your Team's spot cannot be guaranteed until payment is made.
- Payment Options:
- Pay online when you register your team
- Check: Please send a check made out to the CT Sports Management Group, Inc. to:
- 975 Middle St. Unit G. Middletown, CT 06457
- Call our office to make payment arrangements: (860) 788 7041
- Payment Options:
- Once your Team has registered online the following paperwork is required:
- Team Roster Form
- Athlete Waiver Form for each player on the roster
- Proof of Age for each player on the roster
Sport Details
Age Groups & Age Cut Off Dates
The Nutmeg State Games 10&U and 12&U Baseball Tournament will use the Little League Age Chart to conduct the 2024 tournament. Match month (top line) and box with year of birth. Tournament age group is indicated on the right.
The Nutmeg State Games is an OPEN TOURNAMENT that any team can enter!
Registration Instructions - How to Reserve Your Team's Spot
- Register Your Team Online
- Your Team's spot cannot be guaranteed until payment is made.
- Payment Options:
- Pay online when you register your team
- Check: Please send a check made out to the CT Sports Management Group, Inc. to:975 Middle St. Unit G. Middletown, CT 06457
- Call our office to make payment arrangements: (860) 788 7041
- Payment Options:
- Once your Team has registered online the following paperwork is required:
- Please Note: You will need to know the Team ID# and the Email Address of the Head Coach
2024 Little League Tournament Rules Summary
- Bantam & Youth – 2024 Little League Tournament Rules
- PLEASE NOTE - The Nutmeg State Games will use Little League Tournament rules to govern the rules of the actual game. Little League Rules that govern a season, including residency and other such issues will NOT be enforced. The Nutmeg State Games is not a sanctioned Little League Tournament. The "Games" are an OPEN tournament in that any team can enter as long as their players meet the stated age requirements.
- Pitching Distance = 46 Feet Hubbard Park will use portbale mounds
- Base Paths = 60 Feet
- In the event of inclement weather, the Nutmeg State Games Administration reserves the right to modify the schedule and all tournament rules in order to safely and fairly end the tournament successfully.
- PLEASE NOTE - The Nutmeg State Games will use Little League Tournament rules to govern the rules of the actual game. Little League Rules that govern a season, including residency and other such issues will NOT be enforced. The Nutmeg State Games is not a sanctioned Little League Tournament. The "Games" are an OPEN tournament in that any team can enter as long as their players meet the stated age requirements.
Roster Check-Ins for All Age Divisions:
- Prior to the first game of the tournament each team will be required to have their roster checked by the site director at that location.
- Roster checks will be done at the same time of equipment checks with the game official present.
- We ask each team to be at their field 15 minutes prior to the schedule start time of their game so that we may get through rosters efficiently without delaying the any games.
- Each team must have each participant playing in the tournament with the proper proof of age available.
- We ask that each team send in their proof of age prior to the start of the tournament. Coaches will need to have a copy of their complete roster and proof of age for all players with them for all games.
- Players that arrive late to the tournament must be checked off by the site director prior to them entering the game.
- If medal round games are a separate day than the first day of play roster checks will be completed prior to a team’s first medal round game.
- Team roster and proof of age must be submitted to the scorer's table prior to the start of each game.
- All coaches are responsible for assuring that all players are properly equipped.
- Grace Period:
- All teams will be given a 15 minute grace period beginning at the start time of their scheduled game. At the end of 15 minutes if a team official has not contacted the Nutmeg State Games Administration a forfeit will be declared.
- Teams are to provide their own practice balls. Games balls will be provided by the Nutmeg State Games Administration.
- Any player or coach ejected from a game may not participate in the team’s next game.
- Home and Away teams will be determined each game by a coin toss conducted by the Umpire or Nutmeg State Games Event Staff.
- The Tournament Director has the right to alter rules, bylaws and bracket structure as needed.
Bantam & Youth:
- Game length will be six innings. Bantam & Youth will have a 2 1/2 hour time limit for all Preliminary Round Games.
- (Mercy Rule) - 10 RUN Mercy Rule after a legal game (3 1/2 innings) if home team is ahead, (4 innings) if visitor is ahead.
Tie-Breaker Information
Two-Team Ties: In the event of a two-way tie in the standings, the following tiebreaker system will be used (in-order) until the tie is broken
- Head to Head record
- Runs allowed
- Runs scored
- Total Runs Allowed per Inning starting with the 1st Inning (All PreLiminary Round Games)
- Coin toss
Ties Involving Three or More Teams: In the event of a tie amongst three or more teams, the tie breakting system (above) will be used (in-order) until the highest seeded team is determined. Once the highest seed is determined, the remaining tied teams will RESTART from the BEGINNING of the tie breaking system.
Score Keeper
All teams are required to provide an official score keeper as part of their roster. We strongly recommend that the score keeper be an adult and must be present at each contest. The home team's (which will be determined by a coin toss before each game) scorekeeper will be the official score keeper for that game, with the visiting team also keeping score as a secondary or back up score book. The official score keeper will sit with the administration and volunteers at the scorer’s table or tent during the contest. The score keeper is now part of your roster and will be treated as a member of your team. The score keeper will be responsible for keeping track of pitch counts for both teams.
Forfeiture Policy
Due to the fact that all competition brackets are ROUND ROBIN formats, a team may not intentionally forfeit a contest; even though the game may have no consequence on the seeding of the tournament at the conclusion of round robin play. Any team intentionally forfeiting a contest will be disqualified from further competition and the remaining teams will be re-seeded.
Athlete Code of Conduct
- No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances are permitted in the possession of athletes.
- Behavior on and off the competition field by any person’s associated with the "Games" must follow the highest standards.
- Use of foul or abusive language constitutes a violation of the Code of Conduct.
- All athletes must respect the decisions of the officials and umpires during and after competitions. Any harassment will constitute a violation of the Code of Conduct.
- Unruly behavior by spectators towards players, coaches, volunteers, and/or officials will not be tolerated. Such behavior may result in the dismissal of the offending spectator from the competition site.
- Any participant’s behavior deemed in violation of the Code of Conduct, as decided by the Nutmeg State Games administrative staff, subjects the competitor to expulsion from the "Games".
The Nutmeg State Games administration works closely with all Connecticut media outlets regarding any interesting stories about athletes and teams that will be participating in the "Games". If you have an interesting story to tell, we are all ears!
Human interests stories typically address situations "off-the-court". Do you volunteer in the community? Are you great at something other than the sport you are playing? Are you following in the steps of a a sibling or parent? Of course, if you are doing something great on the court please provide us with all the details.
If you, your team or someone you know fits any of these questions, please pass along this information or feel free to contact our office, and we would be happy to coordinate coverage on their behalf. - Please send all info to [email protected]