2024 Softball Tournaments 

The 35th Annual ShopRite Nutmeg State Games will be hosted by the City of Middletown in July of 2024. The Softball Tournament will be held at Hubbard Park and Snow School. All tournament locations are in the City of Middletown.  Registration will Open on Wed., October 25th on the Play FPN website. Please click on the icon below to be directed to the PlayFPN website. We will be accepting 8 teams per age group (12U, 14U, 16U & 18U) YOUR SPOT IS NOT SECURED UNTIL THE ENRY FEE PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. Teams will receive a minimum guarantee of 4 games. 

Click the Icon Below for Game Schedule and Results

2024 Tournament Dates:

  • 12&U / 14&U - July 20th & 21st 
  • 16&U / 18&U - July 27th & 28th
What your Team Receives for the Entrance Fee:
A Minimum Guarantee of Four (4) Games
T-Shirts for all Athletes on the Roster
Game Balls
Medals for the Top Three Teams

Sport Details

  • 12 & Under Division - SOLD OUT!
    • Registered: WCT Eagles Lavallee, Rapids Softball - Martin, Rapids 12u White, Enfield Extreme Blue, Western Mass Heat 12u Bates, CT Bombers Black, CT Bombers Teal, CT Cannon Bombshells Silvestri, 
    • Penciled In: Plex 12u Blue, CT Eliminators 11u, Monarchs 12u
  • 14 & Under Division - SOLD OUT
    • Registered: Western Mass Heat 14u - Georgina, Shoreline Sting 14u, CT Cannon Bombshells 14u, NH Comets 14u Sweeney, Monarchs 14u - DeRita,Shoreline Breakers 14U, 14U CT Mirage Mihalek, , CT Eliminators 13 U
    • Penciled IN: Diamond Zone 14u Teal, CT Mirage Naugatuck, 
  • 16 & Under Division - SOLD OUT!
    • Registered: CT Tides 16u Blue,Shoreline Breakers, U16-Wildcats Red, Eyota Nation 16u - Scott,CT Mirage 16u,CT Hurricanes, WCT Eagles, Rocket 16 Futures
    • Penciled In:  
  • Wilbert Snow School, Middletown
    • Address: 299 Wadsworth St, Middletown, CT 06457
  • Hubbard Park, Middletown
    • ​34 East Main St, Middletown, CT 06457

Umpire Pay-at-the-Plate

  • Each team pays cash to the umpires at the pre-game meeting prior to the start of the game. 
  • Teams pay for all games EXCEPT the finals. The tournament host pays for the umpires used in the finals.
    • All Games per Umpire Fee = $70 per team per game. 

Tournament Registration Fee: $495.00 plus umpire fees

  • Registration Deadline: March 1st 
Payment Options
  • Payment for this event is NOT made on the PlayFPN website.
  • To pay online go to https://nutmegstategames.org/payment
  • Pay by check to CT Sports Management Group, Inc. 
    • Mail to: 975 Middle St. Unit G. Middletown, CT 06457 

Regisistration Instructions

A team must follow the steps listed below to register for the 2024 ShopRite Nutmeg State Games

  1. Online Registration - Play FPN Website

    1. 12U & 14U Team Registration - Registration is OPEN!

    2. 16U & 18U Team Registration - Registration is OPEN!

  2. Payment Options 

    1. Payment for this event is NOT made on the PlayFPN website.
    2. Registration Fee: $495 per team plus Umpire Fees
    3. Pay by check to CT Sports Management Group, Inc.
      1. Mail to: 975 Middle St. Unit G. Middletown, CT 06457
  3. A properly completed Approved Team Roster & Waiver

    1. Please click here for instructions

  4. Preparing & Uploading Insurance Certificate

    1. Please click here for instructions

  5. All players must complete the Athlete Waiver Form.

Age Division Roster Max. Age Cut Off
12 & Under Youth 18 01/01/2024
14 & Under Junior 18 01/01/2024
16 & Under Intermediate 18 01/01/2024
18 & Under Scholastic 18 01/01/2024





The Nutmeg State Games cooperates with the United States Olympic Committee, Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference and National Collegiate Athletic Association. All athletes must abide by the rules of their association, which may include restrictions on the number of athletes from the same school, or team that enter the Nutmeg State Games. All athletes should realize that each is responsible to make certain he/she is not in violation of existing rules and regulations. All athletes must be amateurs as defined by the Nutmeg State Games and/or a National Governing Body rules for their particular sport.


C.I.A.C. Member school coaches may only coach or instruct member school athletes in the sport they coach during the school year according to the following parameters:

Girls Team Sports:
Out of Season



Boys Team Sports :
Out of Season







Field Hockey













Ice Hockey












In addition, C.I.A.C. coaches may not coach more than One (1) team in non-school out-of-season tournaments/camps/clinics unless the total number of athletes does not exceed the aforementioned minimum on the chart provided.


Please click on the "Tournament Rules" icon above to download the rules. 

When a team withdraws prior to a tournament:

Teams should plan for the unexpected and understand that the scheduling process starts weeks and sometimes months before an event is scheduled to take place and often times events are full for months.

  • A full refund shall be given if a team withdraws on or before the 60th day (2 months) prior to the tournament.
  • No refund shall be given if a team withdraws within 60th day (2 months) of an event unless a replacement team is found.

When a team withdraws prior to a National Championship:

The withdrawal deadline and the entry deadline are the same. A team will be given a full refund of the entry fee and gate fee if they withdraw on or before the entry deadline. No refund of either the entry fee or gate fee will be given if a team withdraws after the entry deadline.

Refunds, cancellations or shortening of a tournament.

While we will make every attempt to play each event, weather may prevent an event from being completed or in some cases, even starting. In those cases:

  • If at least 2 games are started no refund is provided.
  • If at least 1 game is started a 50% refund is given.
  • If no games are started a 65% refund is given.
  • If governmental agencies shutdown our ability to play due to the coronavirus situation, credits for future play or refunds will be extended.
  • In the case where teams are due a refund but are registered and unpaid for future events that refund shall be applied to the balance due on those future events. We reserve the right to adjust this policy at any time to accommodate unusual circumstances.

Heat Index Policy

The following heat index policy guidelines have been established to ensure the safety and welfare of all players, coaches, and umpires involved with the sport of fastpitch softball.

Heat Index Actions

  • 80° - 89°: Use caution; Monitor athletes carefully for necessary action.
  • 90° - 104°: Use extreme caution; Ensure water breaks are allowed as needed; Ensure that all individuals drink fluids and that uniforms are modified to ensure the coolest level available.
  • 105° - 114°: Games will be shortened in duration to allow a longer break between games for all involved; Alter uniforms where feasible;
  • 115° & Above: All activities will be suspended until the heat index is below 115.
  • NOAA heat Index Calculator

Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network (HHCRN) is the official medical partner for the Nutmeg State Games & CT Masters Games. HHCRN professional medical staff will be onsite at our various sport venues to provide exceptionally medical care for our participants. 
Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network strives to be the premier rehabilitation provider in Connecticut; the company known for its commitment to high quality, customer-focused outcomes; the place where people want to work. Our goal is to create a seamless continuum of prevention and rehabilitation care, and to assist individuals with temporary or permanent impairments or disabilities in achieving their goals for maximum functional independence.
We are dedicated to organizing the prevention, rehabilitation and sports medicine resources in the community into a financially responsible integrated delivery system and, in doing so, establish Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network as the regional network of excellence for the provision of prevention, rehabilitation and sports medicine.

Hydration is crucial to good overall health and athletic performance. Dehydration affects their performance and also puts them at risk for fatigue, nausea, heat cramps or, worse, heat stroke.

Adequate daily intake of water from beverages and food each is 125 ounces for men and 91 ounces for women, according to the Institute of Medicine. That’s considerably more than the standard recommendation of eight 8-ounce  glasses a day. To reach the higher standard, drink water gradually throughout the day. These recommendations do not consider athletic activity and increased temperature. So if you are participating in athletic activity or in a warm climate, or both, more water intake may be needed.

One of the easiest ways your athlete can gauge hydration is checking urine color. Pale or colorless urine usually indicates ample hydration. Light to bright yellow urine means more fluid intake is necessary. Dehydration is something that can be prevented easily as long as it is made a priority.

For more information about how to stay healthy and in the game, please visit Hartford HealthCare Sports Health at www.mysportshealth.org


Concussions are not easy to predict or prevent. It’s important to understand the symptoms. Concussions are difficult injuries because symptoms are not always apparent at the time of the injury. Concussions are caused by a direct blow to the head, or a blow to the body that causes a rapid deceleration of the head (whiplash affect).

If you witness or suspect this type of injury, the athlete should be held out of activity and evaluated by a medical professional. As a reminder, an athlete does not have to lose consciousness to sustain a concussion. Once evaluated by a medical professional and given care instructions, the athlete should be monitored closely by a responsible adult for at least 24 hours after the injury. Symptoms include loss of consciousness, slurred speech, repeated vomiting, unequal pupils, weakness or numbness in arms or legs, decreased responsiveness and convulsions or seizures.

For more information about how to stay healthy and in the game, please visit Hartford HealthCare Sports Health at www.mysportshealth.org

The Nutmeg State Games administration works closely with all Connecticut media outlets regarding any interesting stories about athletes and teams that will be participating in the "Games". If you have an interesting story to tell, we are all ears!

Human interests stories typically address situations "off-the-court". Do you volunteer in the community? Are you great at something other than the sport you are playing? Are you following in the steps of a a sibling or parent? Of course, if you are doing something great on the court please provide us with all the details.

If you, your team or someone you know fits any of these questions, please pass along this information or feel free to contact our office, and we would be happy to coordinate coverage on their behalf. - Please send all info to nutmeg@csmg.org.

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